A short demo for a shmup game that I am working on. Currently, 1 level is complete and the menu is almost finished, but I am working on adding more and changing most of the graphics. 

Please also bear in mind that some planned features, like dying or upgrading weapons, are not present yet.

 As usual, I am open for suggestions on how to improve the game.

Known bugs/issues:

-Besides for not having any ruins, ancient or otherwise, bullets do not do damage in the Ancient Ruins level. You can bypass this by using debug code 1 or 7

-Also in the ruins level, you can trigger the first wave during the cutscene

-In the Forge level, enemies will often fall through the floor during one of the waves


WASD: Move

Arrow keys or Space Bar: Shoot

Number keys: Switch weapons

1: Pistol

2: Machinegun

3: Flamethrower

4: Minigun

5: Shotgun

6: Grenade Launcher

7: Rifle

0: Debugging gun

E: Use special ability (varies with each weapon) or select

Enter: Also used to select

Esc: Open menu

-Debug Keys-

Hold Ctrl+

1: Advance to the next wave of enemies

2: Take damage

3: Heal

4: Teleport to the cursor

5: Save and return to menu

6: Teleport towards the boss

7: Gain all weapons


Some graphics are by Master484 (http://m484games.ucoz.com/)

Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
Made withGDevelop
TagsExplosions, Shoot 'Em Up, Side Scroller, Steampunk, Weapons

Development log


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i really like the concept, the combat. Its rought around the edges but the idea is neat